1 lb. Fresh Shrimp, no tails
3 slices of White Bread
2 tbsp. Butter, softened
1/4 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp. Pepper
1/4 tsp. Oregano
Hot Water


Make sure there are no tails on the shrimp, then
put the shrimp into a food processor and chop.
Set aside. Remove crusts from bread, and in a
bowl, cover the bread with Hot Water. Squeeze the
bread dry and crumble it into a large bowl. Add
butter, seasonings and shrimp to the bowl and mix
together well. Shape into flat palm sized cakes.
Put some butter into a hot skilet and saute cakes
on both sides until golden brown. Serve Hot!

* Notes: Makes a wonderful appetizer, can form
into smaller individual cakes for parties!
